Friday, February 25, 2011

TVD Recap, "The House Guest" ... Things Just Got Real Awkward

Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan and Elena - I have to admit...watching Elena and Stefan being playful has to be a good thing. After all, Elena’s had way too much heavy stuff going on lately. I guess Stefan’s trying to keep her from ending up medicated. Glad she decided to give him “five minutes,” but yikes, Stefan’s gotta be confident in his abilities. Guess what Lexi said was right. (Ahem...moving on...)

Katherine and Damon - Damon seems to instantly know that’s Katherine (probably because he’s aware of what’s going on upstairs - that hearing’s a blessing and a curse). Stefan interrupts Katherine’s (very good) attempt at confusing Damon.

Here’s where I get confused - Stefan just spent the night with Elena and, unless I miss my guess, just indulged once again. She hasn’t been out of his sight until he went downstairs to check on Damon and Katherine. THIS is when he throws Elena against the wall so hard he’s actually hurting her? He couldn’t tell he was being intimate with Elena just a few minutes ago? That’s seriously twisted - I’ll come back to this later.

Katherine/Elena/Stefan/Damon - I must start by saying the effects are much improved over Memory Lane. Elena and Katherine both appear to be looking at each other - not air. Elena’s coming across as a little bit of a brat here. Love the fact that when Katherine steps closer to Elena, Damon follows.

Mystic Falls High
Matt and Caroline - It’s nice that these two have a moment of almost talking about their issues with Tyler. Matt leaves the ball in Caroline’s court. For once, he’s not the one tongue-tied about their relationship - she has to decide what’s going to happen.

Elena and Stefan - Wow, they still go to school? Elena is frustrated. She wants to get rid of Katherine. She doesn’t trust her. She knows Katherine said she was only back for Stefan. Elena isn’t fond of Katherine being a resident of the Salvatore house. Stefan tries to convince her that he can just stay at her house that night, but Elena’s already got a girl’s night planned. Maybe Katherine can come...that wouldn’t be awkward at all.

Salvatore Boarding House
Damon and the flamethrower - Damon’s nothing if not inventive. Trying to roast Elijah’s body doesn’t seem to be effective. Katherine visits and verifies that plan isn’t going to be effective. Damon asks the question I’ve been dying to know the answer to...did Katherine know he’d die if he used the dagger. Always one for self-preservation, Katherine scoots around that question and asks if he knew Elijah’s plan. When Damon points the flamethrower at her, she’s honest about one thing. Katherine always gets what she wants. Question is - what does she want right now? She does finally confess that she did know he’d die. She REALLY wanted out of that tomb.

Mystic Falls High
Stefan meets with Bonnie and Jeremy to warn them that Katherine’s got her Elena impression down to a science. Speaking of, he wants to meet with those skilled in the dark arts. Bonnie agrees to try to arrange a meeting with Daddy Warlock and Son. As it is time for class, Jeremy moves in for a kiss, but Bonnie ducks away. He points out that his sister is nowhere in sight, and Bonnie gives him a peck.

Alaric and Elena - Would this be a teacher/student conference or a parent/student conference? I’m going with quasi-parent/student meeting. Elena’s face when she finds out that Alaric gave up his ring is beyond perfect. She (and Jeremy) can’t lose another parent-figure. Alaric wants to let Jenna in on what’s going on, but he leaves the decision up to Elena. Yeah, like the girl doesn’t need any more pressure.

The Grill
Warlocks, Bonnie, and Stefan - Oh, this meeting isn’t at all uncomfortable. Stefan the peacemaker steps in again. We saw how well that went down with Tyler. Seems like it’s going just that well now.

Salvatore House
Damon’s doing a little light reading while trying to ignore Katherine. Unfortunately (or fortunately for those watching), Katherine doesn’t like to be ignored. She keeps pressing Damon’s buttons until has her pinned down on the piano bench (how did I not know they had a piano before). Katherine knows they’re looking for the site of the Great Witch Massacre. Stefan comes home and fills them in on the witch plot. They’re definitely going to need that burial ground.

Warlock Apartment

Daddy Warlock doesn’t trust the Salvatores or Katherine (probably a good call on that last one). He’s going to let Elijah kill them.

Gilbert House
Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and random piece of product placement - They’re having trouble deciding what to eat and what movie to watch. Bonnie’s missing her powers. Caroline’s missing Matt. Elena’s missing having Katherine not in Mystic Falls. When Jenna arrives, she’s surprised Elena knows about the fight, but she wants to know if it is some kind of attempt to cheer her up.

Gotta point out that whenever a character reaches into the Gilbert fridge, I kind of cringe in fear.

I love the honest conversation between Caroline and Jenna. Caroline’s playing Devil’s Advocate, but she’s totally describing her issues with Matt. (By the way, are they drinking wine?)

Warlock Apartment

Time for man witch mystical arm wrestling powers. Luka’s going to go “visit” Elijah’s body.

Which leads us to....

Salvatore House
Damon senses something’s off. He turns and catches Katherine’s eye. She gives the best “What?” expression here. Luka keeps exploring the house while Katherine decides to explore the area over Damon’s shoulder. Oooohhh - Emily died on the same place the rest of the witches were killed. (If that’s part of Mystic Falls history, shouldn’t the head of The Council know where it is?)

Katherine’s hungry and heads down for a snack. Something’s off. She goes to investigate.

Stefan wants to know if Damon’s found anything. Love the silent conversation between the pair that contradicts Damon’s words. How far the brothers have come. I just wish we knew what he’d read that was so interesting.

Wow, that knife makes some kind of squeaky noise coming out of Elijah’s chest. I’m kind of weirded out that Luka can have a conversation with his dad while still fighting Katherine for control of the knife.

How far have we come this season? I may have screamed loudly when Katherine was staked. (I love Elena, but I LOVE Nina when she’s playing Katherine. I don’t want her to die being offed in some random act.)

Mom moment here - if my child just happened to be fighting a really old and powerful vampire for a knife (because that’s so realistic), that’s when I’d tell him it was time for his little field trip to be over. My words would not be - hey, stake her. Mom moment over. We can move along.

Damon’s come to Katherine’s rescue. He’s a little more inventive, and he likes his flamethrower. I don’t think he knew he was about to torch Luka since he sent Stefan to “go do something about it.” Daddy Warlock looks up some healing spell in the grimoire. Might want to make a mental note of this. I’m thinking this spell will be revisited.

Mystic Grill
For a place having money trouble, business seems to be really booming. Not only have the girls decided to visit, Alaric’s making his nightly stop. Jenna totally blows him off, or at least she tries to. She thinks she can handle anything. I do hope so. She’s not going to be in the dark for too long. Elena’s realized that keeping everyone in the dark can be just as damaging as underestimating them.

Caroline takes Elena’s words to heart - prompting her to jump onto the stage for one of the episodes only real lighthearted moments. (When she compelled the band dude, that was totally awesome. I love Caroline. Please let her make it to the end of the series.) Matt seems to get the message. Ignoring the crowd gathered around them, he leaps onto the stage and makes up (and makes out) with Caroline.

Warlock Central
Daddy Warlock is mad. Be afraid! He’s coming after Elena after taking Stefan to his knees. He tells Stefan he’s about to find out what killing Luka felt like. I’m a little muddy Jonas planning on killing Elena or just taking her to Klaus?

Salvatore House
In a moment of irony, Katherine is laying on the couch nursing her stomach wound (hey, now you know what Jenna felt like). Damon brings her a blood bag and a surprise. Stake! I didn’t say it was a good surprise. Damon likes to get even - that was for not telling him the stake would kill him.

He wants the truth.

Katherine fills him in. Uncle John agreed to help get Katherine out of the tomb in exchange for her help with Klaus. One of the Salvatores had to go, though. She chose to save Stefan. Ouch! Doesn’t seem to come as a total shock to Damon. (Poor guy, maybe it isn’t so bad that he’s messing around with Andie. At least she seems to really like him.)

The Grill
Elena decides to take a poorly timed bathroom break - oops, looks like the room’s already in use. Matt and Caroline are having a moment. Elena cuts Bonnie off before she interrupts our recently reunited couple. Elena seems so pleased at Matt and Caroline’s happiness that Bonnie decides it’s the perfect time to ask her about Jeremy.

Awww, Elena is perfectly fine with Bonnie and Jeremy being together. Somehow, I think Elena’s just given one of the two the kiss of death. Neither of them have good track records with romantic partners.

Stefan calls Elena, but it is too loud and she has to go outside(?). Damon heads out to help Stefan, but Katherine has a plan (and it is really a pretty good one). Bonnie faces off with Jonas and refuses to tell him where Elena has gone. Now, I know the residents of Mystic Falls don’t seem to mind the mounting body count in the town, but I’d think they’d find all the lamps EXPLODING to be a little odd. I’d run, but that’s just me.

Stefan and Katherine find Caroline. Their plan needs one more vampire.

Alaric successfully gets Jenna out of the Grill. How does Alaric know Stefan’s there? Did we miss a phone call?

Matt finds Bonnie crumpled on the floor and carries her out as “Elena” pleads with Jonas. Stefan is either doing a really good job of acting here or the lines between Katherine and Elena are continuing to blur for him. He pulls Katherine from the room as if he were protecting Elena. I’m thinking Kat can handle herself....

Oh my gosh, I didn’t know how much I loved Caroline and Matt until this scene started. I was beyond worried that one of them wasn’t going to make it out. No one is allowed to do away with Caroline.

We now enter the shortest section of the show I’ve ever seen. What’s with two minutes between commercial breaks?

Caroline’s up. Interesting that she has to work to control her bloodlust before she can save Matt (who, at this time, is looking like he’d rather die than be hanging out with Caroline going all veiny on him).

Gilbert House
Jeremy and Bonnie - Whew, the drama of the night is over. Time for some tea. Wait, who’s at the door?

Stefan and Katherine arrive. Have they looked around the house? Katherine (as Elena) is so very in charge here. She’s still acting like Elena, but Dr. Martin forgot that Katherine looks JUST LIKE the person he’s looking for. Katherine attacks kills Jonas. Bonnie leans in to close his eyes. Yikes! Not quite dead yet. Stefan snaps Jonas’ neck as Katherine steps on his throat.

And, we’re back to commercials. See, I told you this section was short.

Elena and Damon arrive at Elena’s house. They’re in agreement, following a plan of Katherine’s is never a good idea. Stefan and Katherine come downstairs. Katherine snaps Elena’s necklace as she pulls it off to return - for just an instant, there seems to be a hint of something in Elena’s face. (The girl’s gotta be wondering how her necklace made it back from when Elijah ripped it off her). Stony looks are exchanged between Damon and Stefan. Elena just wants Katherine out of the house, and she makes sure Stefan hears her. Elena, um, Katherine really did just do you a favor. Can you at least talk to her? Katherine admits she doesn’t like Elena either. Katherine looks pointedly at Damon, if anyone’s going to believe her, they need to understand that Katherine needs Elena alive, so she’s not a threat.

What is it with the Gilbert porch? Alaric’s confession was so heart-felt. Come on, Elena. Tell your aunt what’s going on. Jenna makes the understatement of the century...tonight was very weird.

Jeremy tries to talk Bonnie through her disappointment at losing any hope of getting her powers back. She has a surprise for him. Jonas gave them back.

Damon’s bedroom
Katherine bounces onto Damon’s bed. He keeps reading. She wants to talk about Emily. She doesn’t believe that he doesn’t know where Emily died - he was focused on Emily since she was the key to getting Katherine back out of the tomb.

But enough about that...

Katherine climbs up the bed discussing Damon’s earlier actions. He hurt her. He was mean - a monster...and she liked it. As he opens his mouth to kiss her, well, this happens....

Caroline’s house
Caroline and Matt - So sad. She’s hoping Matt will understand, but she’s forgotten something. A vampire killed his sister. Matt goes totally berserk when he finds out that vampires are real, and Caroline is one. He makes the wrong assumption that Caroline’s the one who attacked Vickie.

Gilbert kitchen
Jenna and Elena share some ice cream as the doorbell rings. Elena, quick, Jenna’s about to answer the door. You must run and stop her! Definitely....Jenna doesn’t need to be answering the door right now. That’s Isobel (looking pretty worn out, what’s she been up to in her quest to stop Klaus?).... Alaric just told Jenna that Isobel’s dead. I don’t think this is going to end well, but we aren’t going to know any time soon.

Final thoughts:

I stand by my earlier theory. I believe Damon accidentally compelled Elena that Stefan “deserved her” as part of his “Rose confession.” Elena has just been too forgiving of Stefan of late - even when he truly deserved her ire. (Really, Elena, he almost choked you after he’d just had sex with you. If he couldn’t tell you weren’t Katherine then....his ability to distinguish one from the other is really, really blurring.)

As a result of this theory, Elena’s really fighting a battle with herself. She NEEDS to believe Stefan, but she’s not comfortable having him in such close contact with Katherine.

The ease he’s able to function with Katherine makes me think he’s not as over her as he thinks. Not only did he trust her enough to find Isobel (well, John), but he sided with Katherine during the arguments this week.
Damon really is over Katherine. He might have slept with Rose and Andie recently, but when Katherine offers herself to him, he refuses while physically pushing her away.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's All A Matter of Trust - "The Dinner Party"

Elena reading journal flashback -
Elena is beyond surprised at what she learns from the journal. Apparently Stefan took out Honoraria Fell, Thomas ____ (Fell?), and the original Jonathan Gilbert. Jonathan already had his ring of anti-death at this point. Wonder if that’s why the Salvatores don’t get invited to the Founding Family stuff anymore (“Family Ties” reference)?

Stefan at the dock -
Stefan pensively looks back at Elena reading in the lakehouse. He knows she’s reading a Gilbert journal. Does he know what she’ll find?

His phone rings....Damon’s calling. One of this episode’s strengths is the way it looks at the relationship between the brothers. Stefan continues to watch Elena (is he judging her reaction?) while Damon brings him up to speed on his plan. (Just have to take a moment - Damon and I have the same phone - that is all.) I’ve seen a lot of comments scattered about Damon’s irresponsible plan. I do think we need to point out that Stefan is very much aware of what Damon’s planning to do. He only reminds Damon to be careful, though, he doesn’t try to talk him out of attempting to kill Elijah. He might not have been one to formulate the plan, but Stefan doesn’t disagree with what Damon’s about to do.

Jenna, Elijah, and Alaric -
This seems very random, but I believe this info about the witches coming to town earlier than the Founding Families will prove to be really important the the second half of the season. The werewolf chapter may be over, but the witch chapter is just beginning.

Love the interaction between Ric and Elijah here. Elijah points out to Ric that he’s on Elena’s list. Elijah’s so at ease with who he is...I’m really going to hate losing him.

Bonnie/Jeremy ... I don’t “do” witch stuff. This might be a long series of episodes for me.

Elena/Stefan -
Elena practically jumps out of her chair when Stefan comes in. You can cut the tension in the room with a knife. Stefan’s still angry about what he’s learned about Elena’s deal with Klaus. Elena’s equally upset, but she’s reacting to the information she’s learned from the journals.

It is interesting that Stefan has waited until this point to fill her in on “his side” of the story. Elena is so disappointed here. I think she’d assumed that Stefan had already filled her in on the truly important details of his life. Yes, she knew he had done some things he regretted - he hasn’t always been a non-HB vampire, but I don’t think she realized that he’d known the people he’d killed.

If he’d truly only wanted her to hear the story from him, why did he wait until she brought it up after reading the journal? My POV - I think he was waiting to see if he’d been mentioned in the journals. If he hadn’t been mentioned, I don’t think Elena would have ever gotten this section of the story. His wording was interesting here - “We were angry at the founding families....” Only one brother seemed to be eating them. One fact that really shows the depths that Stefan has descended to - he’s killing the people he’s known all his life - not just random people.

The brothers’ roles are reversed here. Stefan is killing with abandon. Damon is the brother trying to take the morally correct path - telling the girls to run and not think of the place again. I hope we get to see the moment that Damon shatters at some point. He’s still a reluctant vampire here. How does he become the monster we see in the pilot episode?

Back to the lakehouse -
Elena compares early Stefan to Damon. I DON’T think she means the “current” version of Damon. She’s using past tense here to describe Stefan, but I think she’s also going with the Pilot Version of Damon in her comparison. A year hasn’t passed in Mystic Falls since the opening of the series (or at least I can’t tell that a year has gone by). The “monster” Damon is still fresh in her mind. Yes, she’s aware how much he’s changed - we saw that in “Daddy Issues.” She wouldn’t still think of him now as the monster Stefan is describing.

Interesting that Stefan describes himself as “worse” than Damon. Stefan killed friends - people he knew all his life until that point.

Mystic Grill -

Alaric is having jealousy issues with Elijah’s relationship with Jenna. Interesting how far his relationship has come with Damon. He’s sitting there with the compelled Andie and Damon - he mentions it is weird, but he doesn’t say it is wrong.

I can’t help but wonder if Damon had already compelled her to suggest a dinner party if Elijah happened to show up.

The Tomb -
I had to laugh at Damon bringing Katherine a change of clothes. He thinks he knows her so well. Sadly, she knows him even better....

Her word choice is so specific here. Damon “can’t do it.” It would be a “suicide mission.” I haven’t figured out if Kat knew Damon would die if he used the stake. (I’m holding out for no - I think she has a plan for the brothers, but she almost seems to be trying to give Damon a message here. I truly don’t know if she was aware he’d die. If she’s getting part of her information from Uncle John - and the Gilbert journals - I can see where he might have kept that little piece of information to himself.)

Jenna will later mention what seems to be the “theme” for this episode - trust. If Damon is the heart of the series (and if he’s not, we wouldn’t always go “visit” him during every episode since the true main character is Elena), this episode highlights what is one of Damon’s big personality traits.

If everything is magnified when someone becomes a vampire, Damon’s rash decision making isn’t his only “big” trait. Damon is also EXTREMELY trusting. He might fight it, but blindly trusting people is a part of who he is.
- He truly believed Katherine loved him - despite watching her interact with Stefan.
- He doesn’t question Katherine’s fear of being stuck locked in the tomb.
Elena and Stefan have both said they don’t trust UJ. Damon believes UJ is there to protect Elena, and he doesn’t question why UJ gave HIM the dagger.
Elena was able to “play” Damon so early in the season to find out about “the ring” issue.

Back to lakehouse -
If Damon’s trusting, Elena’s forgiving.....
Elena’s really, really calm now. I’ll admit that I find her perspective on the whole “Stefan used to be really bad” kind of questionable. It is nice to see Lexi again, though.

Dinner Party -

Please don’t let a John/Jenna/Alaric triangle happen. There are too many triangles (or wanna be triangles) going already.

Love the fact that Andie makes the “Damon tells me everything” comment. Honestly, he really does. He just then compels her to forget what he told her.

Alaric seems to realize that something’s off with the dinner party. He’s been around Damon long enough to know that Damon has to have another motive for the party. He is trying to minimize the risk to Jenna and Andie, though. He’s planning on Andie keeping Jenna out of harm’s way.

Gilbert house - sorry, more witch stuff...

Elijah’s entry -
I have to stop and comment here because it ties in with the question I’ve seen raised about whether or not Damon was on Elena’s list. Every person in that house (except for Andie) is on Elena’s list. And yet, Elijah says he’ll kill them all if there’s any plan to hurt him that night. Elijah was very careful with his wording in his deal with Elena. His witches would protect the friends from the werewolves and Klaus. He never said a word about not hurting the friends and family himself. (Elena seems to realize this later during her re-negotiations.) He can make the comment about keeping Damon alive because he’s useful because HE hasn’t chosen to kill Damon yet either... He’s already injured Damon once. Elijah’s actions weren’t part of the deal - even though he does have to follow through and keep Damon safe when he’s threatened by the werewolves.

Dinner party again -

Elijah’s giving us more info on the plot for the rest of season 2. Book nerd moment - I love the idea of ghosts - thanks Uncle John. I’m sure Damon DOES know the location of these witch burnings. I think he talked more with Emily than we know about. Andie may very well prove helpful for the next little while - she probably has killer research skills.

Back at the lakehouse - again

Elena’s doing some more reading. Uncle John is trying to off Elijah and Damon at the same time. Now we know why UJ showed up at the party - he doesn’t want to miss the show.

Elena doesn’t look pleased that Stefan left her out of the loop again.

Dinner party -
Alaric and UJ - the person who once slept with Jenna and Isobel (and IS Elena’s dad) is facing off with the person who was married to Isobel, IS sleeping with Jenna (and acts like Elena’s dad). The writer in me loves the irony here.

Damon and Elijah are having a moment in the study/library. I think Damon could actually be helpful here. He knows more about the witches than he’s letting on. Way to go Alaric - glad you answered your phone so that Damon didn’t end up dead.

John/Damon/Elijah - Elijah’s comments confuse me a little bit here. Elijah is a man of his word, but does he only consider other vampires worthy of making a real agreement with. I know people have picked up on the “I only allow you to live” comment to Damon, but what about the “I let Elena live here as a courtesy” statement. He’d also said that when she made the agreement that she’d be allowed to go on living her normal life. I think he left his own actions out of the agreement. (Yes, I kind of contradicted myself here, but Elena’s agreement - and who/what is covered confuses me.) I totally believe that Damon’s on her “friends and family plan” since Tyler seemed to be as well.

Go Alaric! Really, words can’t describe how proud of him I was at that moment. He’s well aware of the threat to Elena. He also is afraid for Jenna, since she’s spending so much time with Elijah. He’s eliminating the threat when he has the opportunity to do so. (And yes, I love Damon’s surprised expression here.) Too bad Elena hadn’t had the chance to read on before this point.

Lakehouse part 4

I really do love annoyed Elena. In fact, I’m going to say she’s beyond annoyed and is outright mad. Yes, I realize she’s lumping Damon in with Stefan on the “lie to me” thing. I think she’s angry at the plan Damon set in motion that Stefan didn’t tell her about. She’s treating them as a unit here because they were working together in a way.

Yes, Elena, yes...I think Stefan was trying to distract you here - but not from what you think. Stefan is telling you the story to distract you from how angry you were at him that he didn’t tell you about his past with Mystic Falls before.

Lexi and Stefan -
I love this section of the flashback because it mirrors Stefan’s “in the woods” conversation with Caroline.

Back to the present -

Stefan wants Elena to fight for her life just like he fought for his humanity. I understand - I totally don’t want to lose Elena as a character. I adore her. Even though they’re not yelling at each other at this point, their relationship is clearly not back to normal. He kisses her head, and she doesn’t meet his eyes. When he walks away, tears are forming in her eyes, but I can’t really decide if they’re from frustration, confusion, or something else.

Salvatore dungeon -

Damon’s trying to make light of the fact he lied to Alaric. Alaric grabs his arm and challenges him. They truly are friends. Alaric isn’t afraid of Damon here. I love seeing them together.

Elena’s reading again -

Boy, that paragraph would have been so important about 30 minutes earlier. Once again, Stefan is truly freaked out at what’s potentially about to happen to Damon. (Also, I think it is interesting that Elijah didn’t immediately kill everyone at dinner party, despite what he told Damon. His priority is getting Elena into his hands.)

More witchy stuff, but this is actually really pretty important. Jonah shows up...throws Jeremy against the wall, and takes Bonnie’s powers. I think this is a big deal that it happens AFTER the agreement has apparently been violated. Jonah is now free to deal with people on Elena’s list....

Elijah visits the lakehouse
Elena’s proving to be a very good liar. Even though she’s desperately trying to renegotiate, she knows her plan is just to get close enough to stake him. (In her renegotiation, I think she’s adding some things in here. She wants him to honor his original agreement but also is adding the clause that HE won’t harm anyone on the list. I don’t think he was part of the original plan.)

Elena remembers her conversation with Katherine a little too well - she does the stomach stab - which is very effective, but not immediately fatal. Once she has his word, she seizes her opportunity. (I can’t help but wonder if the deal’s still in place after he’s unstaked...come on, you know that’s coming. She was very clear about not harming anyone who’s tried to hurt him.)

Elena stakes Elijah (the only part of the episode that surprised my husband). The plan works much more effectively when Elena’s actually “in” on what’s going on. No, Stefan didn’t vamp out when Elena was bleeding everywhere. He was totally freaked out by how close Elena came to dying. (Interesting that they’ve now had Elena voice the idea of turning herself as a way of defeating the curse.) There is also no make-out scene here. Stefan is holding Elena, but that’s to give her support since she was just almost passed out on the ground.

Gilbert house -
PLEASE someone let Jenna in on what’s going on. (Personally, I’m hoping that person is Isobel who clues her in....)

No! Alaric must not give up the ring. I can’t wait to see what Damon and Isobel think about Alaric being ring-less. I don’t think either of them want Alaric unprotected.

Salvatore dungeon
Elena wants to be in charge. Must be a Petrova thing. Stefan wraps his arm around her, but in the next shot, she’s pulled away. She may have decided to fight like Stefan wanted, but I don’t think their issues are over.

I hate this next section, although I think it is realistic. It hasn’t been that long since Damon killed Lexi - at least not in show time. They haven’t really dealt with the issue.

I wish Stefan knew that Damon asked Lexi to help Stefan. The brothers were too much at odds with each other for Lexi to try to work with Damon too. Damon made the choice to separate himself from Stefan. His issues weren’t about control, though, he seems to have been doing alright with that. He’s still dealing with the issue that Katherine turned Stefan as well. He wasn’t prepared for that.

Damon’s bathroom

As much as I hate the fact that Damon got played by Katherine, I love the fact that she knows the brothers so well. She knew Damon would trust her - his desire to protect Elena and kill Elijah would keep him from questioning anything she said.

She knows Stefan just as well. At some point, he’s going to trip up. Those feelings for Katherine are there - and they’re very, very real. I want Elena to see Stefan interacting with Katherine.

I have no problem with the fact that Katherine knew Elijah compelled her. He didn’t take the memories away. He just told her to “stay.”

I know there wasn’t a lot of DE in this episode, but I still really enjoyed it. I think Katherine will prove to be SE’s downfall. If Isobel is able to help them defeat Klaus, Stefan will have to deal with the fact that Katherine told him the truth in the tomb. That will have an impact on him - whether or not he wants to deal with it is another story. Elena will have to sort out the fact that Stefan, despite all the times he told Elena that Katherine is a liar, actually trusted Katherine enough that he did what she told him to.

I’m still content to look at the long story arc. KW described Damon’s journey to be a 100 episode arc. TVD is very much Damon’s story just as much as it is Elena’s. It is slow for us (but not when you look at time passing in Mystic Falls).

This week’s episode all boiled down to trust:
Jenna doesn’t think she can trust Alaric.
Damon trusted both John and Katherine.
And the million dollar question...has Stefan broken Elena’s trust? Yes, she listened to him. Yes, she was disturbed by Lexi’s loss. But will she remember what he DIDN’T tell her after their “no more secrets” discussion from last season? While it may not have come into play this week, I think we’ve seen another hint at what will eventually break Stefan and Elena apart. He trusted Katherine enough to go find Isobel. He didn’t trust Elena enough to think she could handle his past.

I liked this episode, but that’s mainly for what’s been set in motion for the future.

Monday, February 14, 2011

SE or DE - Valentine's Day was Made for Shipping

Stefan and Elena or Damon and Elena?

Such an age old question. It definitely ranks right up there with Fermat’s Last Theorem.

As much as I’d love to be able to make light of it, the dynamics of the relationships - and the impact any changes would have on my favorite characters - are one of the most heated topics in the fandom for my favorite show. I'd really wanted this to be oh so much more eloquent, but I was up with a sick child till 4 this morning. Since we're talking about love, I thought this post still had to go up today.

Before I begin, though, I have to take a moment here to say that my first loyalty lies with the Brothers Salvatore. Like Elena in the third book, Stefan and Damon’s relationship is always at the forefront of my mind. While I don’t think that means Damon should turn his back on any feelings he has for Elena, I do want whatever happens on the “Elena front” to leave the brothers’ relationship intact. They’ve come too far - and we see too many glimmers of the relationship they had before Katherine entered their lives - for it to break apart again. I could literally watch Stefan and Damon banter back and forth all day long...but that’s the topic for another day.

I start with Stefan and Elena because they’re the pairing that actually is a couple at the moment. It also doesn’t hurt that Elena has chosen Stefan for now. I’ll admit that in the books, I’m a Stefan/Elena fan through and through. I love the fact that Elena sees her flaws more clearly when Stefan enters her life - even though she’s wrong about why he’s rejecting her at first.

In the show, it isn’t such an easy call for me. In the pilot, Elena was still reeling from the death of her parents. She’s trapped under the weight of her own sadness and the responsibility of trying to deal with Jeremy’s issues. The connection she makes with Stefan helps her to realize she can move on - even if her life has been forever changed.

Stefan is Elena’s harbor in the storm, and neither of them want to do anything that would endanger that very important safety net - even when they sometimes should. Elena and Stefan truly love each other, but it seems they’re afraid of looking at the hardest issues facing them.

They’ve skirted around the “what the future holds” issue.

Elena did get to ask Stefan her “vampire 20 questions” immediately after she found out what he was, but she’s held back other questions.

For those answers, she went to Damon. Yes, part of it was a matter of circumstance. Damon had “borrowed” her for a day off - even if she wasn’t really in on the plans. While they were in Georgia, she had some important questions to ask.

Why does she look like Katherine? (Of course, Elena had just discovered her similarity to Katherine at this point. She didn’t have a chance to ask Stefan because she’d run away.)
Does this mean she’s part vampire?
How do vampires eat? I really would have assumed she would have had a few of these “mechanics” conversations with Stefan (especially the “vampires can’t procreate” discussion considering what had happened the night before), but I think it is easier to examine from a distance.

She turned to Damon when she needed those answers.

Damon and Elena’s relationship is most easily described as “what could be.”

They each show such incredibly different sides of themselves when they’re with each other. Even Stefan and Katherine could hear the intensity in their exchange when Elena was fighting to get in to see Stefan.

Damon needed a Lexi in his life to help him realize who he could be. That person was Elena. She gave him a connection to his humanity he’d thought he’d lost forever. When he is with her, he’s no longer the vampire who kills with abandon - he’s the man who was trained to be the Southern gentleman. Recently, we’ve seen those two sides at war with themselves. However, when he’s with Elena, the better side seems to be winning.

Elena changed drastically when her parents died - even Caroline and Bonnie have spoken of the person Elena “used to be” - someone we don’t seem to see when she’s with Stefan. To be a cheerleader, Elena had to have the fire and the passion we see in her interactions with Damon - whether they’re arguing or she just happens to be highly intoxicated. Uncle John sensed the charged intensity between them when he found them discussing Caroline’s plight.

Elena brings out who Damon could be. Damon shows us the Elena that once was.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daddy Issues Recap

Okey dokey - due to the iceopocalypse last week, my typical viewing (or re-viewing) schedule was disrupted.

I didn’t want to totally skip commenting on “Daddy Issues,” though. So here we go...short, sweet, but making a few points. (And, I’m going from memory here - I may miss a few things.)

First, I have to say that I wasn’t prepared to enjoy this episode. I haven’t really been “into” the whole werewolf plotline this season, and I also really dislike Uncle John. Put the two things together, and I was ready to kind of write this one off.

I’ve never been so pleased to be wrong.

Tyler/Caroline.... Tyler, Tyler, Tyler - you’re so wrapped up in what you’re going through, you’re totally not looking at the bigger picture. Caroline stayed with you for the entirety of the most difficult night of your life. She lied when you killed someone. She could totally be ripping your heart out right now - but she is choosing not to. You could learn some anger management skills from your friend.

Damon in the shower - breathe in...breathe out

Damon in a towel - this is a different scene, right? Other than just repeating the fact that Damon is just wearing a towel, I think we have a HUGE glimpse of Damon’s inner struggle here. I’ve seen several comments about Elena pushing Damon beyond what he’s ready for, but watching him as he looks at Jessica’s picture on the news.... For the first time, I think he feels remorse for killing someone. He’s accustomed to killing with abandon, but now he’s questioning his actions.

Uncle John/Elena/Jenna/Alaric - much chatter, angst. Elena doesn’t like having UJ here. UJ doesn’t trust Elena. Wow, poor Jenna. She’s been in the dark about the supernatural stuff, but being hit by the “this guy’s my father card” - whoa.

Damon/Stefan - Stefan, you seriously need to listen to your brother. I’m not sure if bringing UJ into the picture was the best idea. Honestly, I could listen to these two banter all day long. The brother dynamic is one of my absolute favorite parts of the show.

Interesting side note - I’ve seen a lot of criticism of Elena pushing Damon too hard... He brings up the “I’m evolving” thing with Stefan.

Stefan/Caroline - Caroline is scared. She calls Tyler her friend. I think this makes his later indecision even harder to take.

Tyler/Jules - they’re werewolves. They talk. Moving on....

Damon/Elena - for me, this is one of the best DE scenes of the episode - if not the season. Damon, without Elena really saying anything to prompt it, asks Elena how she’s doing with the whole UJ thing. He is truly concerned for her. He’s also the first one to bring up the “I’m a good guy now” topic. Yes, Elena will later force him to act on those words, but he mentioned them to her first.

Jules/Brady - werewolf kisses

Stefan/Tyler - Stefan vamps out when he holds Tyler against the wall. My he struggling with control or showing Tyler that he can be really scary if he wants to be?

Memorial Service - Mrs. Mayor Lockwood, UJ, Jeremy, Bonnie, Daddy Witch all in attendance

Alaric/Jenna - I pointed out the irony of Jenna’s niece being her sister’s brother’s daughter as well as her boyfriend’s wife’s daughter in my fanfic. (Christmas Day - Elena’s explaining her feelings for Damon to Jenna in “Bittersweet.”) Just had to point that out.... I think Jenna is going to feel beyond betrayed when she realizes that even Alaric was lying to her.

Stefan/Tyler - they talk some more. Actually, Stefan makes a lot of sense, but in typical Tyler fashion, he totally doesn’t hear what Stefan is saying and ends up acting like Stefan’s torturing him or something when Jules happens to call.

Damon/Elena - Drat the dark lighting. Is Elena holding onto Damon’s arm when they’re walking into the Grill? I’ve rewatched several times, and I just can’t tell. It almost looks like it....but I digress. They look very “couple-y” here. Elena has a level of comfort with Damon that UJ totally picks up on.

Damon/UJ - Damon telling UJ about the vervain thing will either really come back to haunt him or (if UJ is actually one of the good guys in this) is likely the reason that UJ seems to trust him later in the episode. It’s one thing for Stefan to be consuming vervain as a way to keep free from compulsion (and help protect Elena) - he’s her boyfriend. But for Damon to be subjecting himself to the same pain...that speaks volumes of his dedication to Elena (and just not wanting to be compelled in general). This brings up an interesting topic - Damon’s been very emotional lately. We also saw Stefan momentarily "go vamp" when he had Tyler pinned to the wall. Think that has anything to do with being moderately weakened by the vervain? Just a thought.... Moving on...

Matt/Caroline - Don’t hate me...I just can’t get emotionally invested in Matt/Caroline or Tyler/Caroline...sorry.

Caroline/Jules/Brady - OUCH!

- Sorry, can’t really watch the torture. I adore Caroline’s strength. Even through everything she’s going through, she doesn’t tell about Stefan or Damon.

Stefan/Tyler - more chatter. Stefan truly has the patience of a saint, but I don't think Tyler's listening to a word he has to say. I’m not sure about the “building a family” comment. I think this may be where we have a 150+ year old vampire dating a 17 year old. I don’t think Elena’s ready to go there quite yet.

Damon/Elena - I love this bathroom scene too. Elena’s honestly just echoing Damon’s comments to him, but the emotional level is really intense. I don’t think she even realized she’d grabbed his arm until he pointed it out.

Ok, this is the only time I like UJ. I loved the looks they exchanged when UJ walked it. It totally looked as if something else was going on in the bathroom. Damon’s “ground your daughter” lines was one of my favorites of the whole episode.

Vamps vs. Werewolves
- Boy, there are a lot of werewolves. Loved Damon’s heart snatch. Stefan got to use a flamethrower again. TYLER! What on earth are you doing? Damon and Stefan are BOTH willing to risk their lives for Caroline at this moment and you can’t decide if you’re going to open the cage? REALLY? Caroline stayed with you when you could have KILLED her, and you totally won’t even open the door?

Oh no, the boys are DOWN! Someone has to help them. I know they shot scenes for later in the season, but still. I’m a little stressed.

Caroline’s out, but Jules is holding a gun to her head. Umm...Tyler, this is your cue. Tell Jules to let her go since Caroline’s his friend. Once again, he just stands there.

Daddy Witch - I totally didn’t expect him to come in and save our fanged friends. Woo hoo! Why is Tyler still standing, though? Was he part of Elena’s deal? Hmmm....

Stefan/Caroline - and they’re having a heartfelt conversation on a porch. Truly, I might not care about Matt/Caroline or Tyler/Caroline, but I could totally ship Stefan/Caroline. Their relationship is built on friendship’s a beautiful thing to watch unfold.

Damon/UJ - Interesting that UJ comes to Damon, not Stefan. Of course, UJ has been watching the interaction between Damon and his daughter all day. Oh, I want this to truly be the key to killing Klaus. I don’t want it to be the key to getting Damon very dead.

Caroline/Matt/Mirror - all I can say is ouch. Toothpick torture? Who thinks of these things?

UJ/Elena - Ummm, no. Go with your instincts Elena. DO NOT WEAR THE BRACELET. No way is that thing not charmed.

Caroline/Tyler - Tyler totally deseved every word she said to him.

Elena/Stefan - I love that Elena remembers Caroline’s issue, even if Stefan’s the one who planned the slumber party. (Hey Stefan, I think a slumber party would have been an excellent idea after the whole ordeal at the masquerade party. You know, Elena wasn’t really feeling her best then.)

Wolfie RV - Tyler came. He saw. He drank. He spilled news about the moonstone. Can’t wait for Jules and Brady to see Elena....

Slumber party - Oh, so sweet. I’ve missed seeing the girls hang out together. Stefan and Elena look a little uncertain as they exchange their I love yous...

Damon’s bubble bath - It’s really sad that Damon’s still in crisis mode - at least he’s not alone anymore. I think Andie’s very wise here. As much as Damon might be wanting to blame Elena for pushing him to be something he doesn’t want to be, it’s too late. He’s already tipped past the point of no return. He may want to be the bad guy, but he’s a bad guy with a conscience now...and that’s probably only making him more conflicted right now. Yes, he snacks on Andie after compelling her not to be afraid of him, but after she gets used to it, she doesn’t seem to be totally against the idea of being a snack.